
Power Rating: 6990 (#2)

32 Wins

23 Runner-Ups

39 Top 4s


By Esa Juntunen

4 Chandelure NVI 60

4 Lampent NVI 59

4 Litwick PR BW27

2 Vileplume UD 24

3 Oddish UD 60

2 Dodrio UD 11

2 Doduo UD 45

2 Pichu HS 28

1 Blissey HS 106

1 Chansey HS 58

1 Cleffa HS 17

1 Jirachi UL 1

4 Pokémon Collector HS 97

4 Sage's Training UD 77

4 Twins TM 89

2 N NVI 92

3 Pokémon Communication BLW 99

3 Rare Candy UL 82

2 Tropical Beach PR BW28

8 Psychic Energy BLW 109

3 Rescue Energy TM 90

Note: Prior to this event, Esa won 2 other City Championships with Chandelure, though he did not play the Blissey line in either tournament. Around a month later, Esa played a similar list to a top 4 finish, but that list played Cobalion as well. That tournament report can be found here.